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Physical Methods In Chemistry Drago Free | Temp


Gases: Viral coefficients, critical constants, energy and randomnessand state of equilibrium, energy phenomena. The first law of thermodynamics.The enthalpy, heat capacity, calculations. Adiabatic processes. The conceptof thermodynamic reversibility. The Joule Thomson Effect. Variations ofheats of reactions with temperature. The carnot cycle, heat engines, refrigeratingengine, heat pump. Thermodynamics temperature scale. The entropy definitionsand as a criteria of irreversibility. Entropy variation with T, V and P.The concept of entropy at 0 K. Entropy change in physical transformationand in chemical reactions. Gibbs free energy and Helmholtz free energy.The free energy variation with P, V and T. Properties and significance ofthe thermodynamic driving force. The reaction isotherm criteria of the equilibriumstate. Thermodynamic equations for non - ideal gas. Criteria of equilibriabetween phases. Gibbs phase rule equation, Clapeyron equation and Clausius- Clapeyrn equation as theoretical base for understanding phase diagrams.One, two and three component systems.

Thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics. Enthalpies and enthalpychanges at standard conditions. The second and third laws of thermodynamics.Entropy as a measure of disorder. Absolute entropies. Equilibrium and freeenergy. The equilibrium constant as a function of the temperature. Condensedphases and the phase change. The vapour pressure of solvents and solutions.Cryoscopic determination of the molecular weight. Solution chemistry. Idealsolutions. Activity and activity. Coefficients. Chemical dynamics and therate of chemical reactions. First and second order reactions. Mechanismand the rate law. Enzyme kinetics and simple uninhibited enzymatic reactions.Electrochemistry and the electrochemical series.

Physical Methods In Chemistry Drago Free | Temp


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